Northbrook Recycling Guide
Go Green Northbrook is often asked by mindful residents about the best options for recycling items that are not traditionally accepted by our curbside recycling pickup provider (Waste Management). We created this quick reference guide for you to understand what can go into the curbside recycling bin and opportunities to recycle beyond curbside pickup. Please keep in mind that programs are subject to change and do keep us updated at if you see new opportunities for recycling.
Recycling is a process in which new products are made from existing products. A market needs to exist where a manufacturer buys recyclables to make new products to enable recycling. Recycling if done right helps the environment by reducing the waste that is landfilled. While Reduce and Reuse should be the focus, recycling although resource intensive is a great option to build a circular economy.
Currently, clean single-stream items are the easiest to recycle and are preferred by manufacturers.
In your Waste Management Recycling container:
(Source: What Is Recycling & What to Recycle | Waste Management (
- Aluminum cans (emptied)
- Soda bottles with caps (empty)
- Milk jugs with caps (emptied and rinsed)
- Laundry detergent jugs with caps left on (emptied and rinsed)
- Single-use plastic bottles with caps on (emptied)
- Newspapers, magazines (NO shredded paper)
- Cereal boxes
- Packaging boxes and cardboard (only if clean and flattened – no grease, food residue)
- Tetra packs with caps – nut milk, creamers (rinsed)
- Aluminum containers and foil made into a ball (ONLY clean rinsed no food residue)
- Plastic packaging/takeout containers rinsed clean (except foam cups/plates)
- Cleaning product containers (clean rinsed)
- Cosmetic product containers (rinsed)
- Glass containers (rinsed), metal or plastic caps separated
NOTE: Recyclables should be loose and not contained in plastic bags. Plastic bags are landfilled automatically.
Behind the Village Hall (9 AM – 4 PM):
- Batteries
- Light bulbs (LED and Fluorescent)
- Plastic bag recycling (grocery bags, dry cleaning bags, newspaper sleeves, and Ziploc bags)
At a neighborhood Marianos or Jewel or Lowes (managed by Trex):
- Clean plastic bags, plastic film
Northbrook Public Library:
- Household batteries
- Eyeglasses
- Cell phones
- * Foil-lined wrappers (chips, candy)
- * Used pens, and pencils (dried, broken)
- * Toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss (used)
* Products sent to TerraCycle
Other recyclables:
- Prescription Medication at Participating CVS stores
Sharps Disposal
Sharps and used needles can be placed on top of your refuse bin on your regularly scheduled garbage pick-up day in a securely taped or closed milk jug, laundry detergent jug, or sharps container. In addition, the container must be clearly marked “Sharps” with a dark permanent marker. For questions on sharps disposal, contact the Village Manager’s Office at 847-664-4010.
Electronics recycling:
- Best Buy
- Abt Electronics
- Village drop-off:
Clothes recycling (Textiles: clothing, bags, hats, toys, blankets, curtains, pillows Other: jewelry, shoes, tools, silverware, dishes, pots/pans)
- Call Simple Recycling Customer Service to schedule a pickup at 866-835-5068 EXT 4 or use the website Chicagoland Clothing Recycling Pickups (
- Check with Goodwill or other Pickup services such as Amvets
Paint & Styrofoam:
- Northfield Township Road District
Potting/Plant containers:
- Returnable at Lowes
- Rebecca’s Natives will take back their own pots, sterilize and reuse them
Other packaging Material including shredded paper
- Northfield Township Road District
- Shred Spot – Paper Shredding & Recycling Service
Household Appliances:
- Best Buy
- Abt
- Landfilled if scheduled as a bulk item pickup
Holiday lights, Pumpkins, and other seasonal recycling opportunities:
- Check the Village website for program information (Northbrook usually has an annual Pumpkin Smash and holiday light recycling.
Please reference the Village of Northbrook Waste Management site for current waste pickup details.
Additional resources:
Refuse & Recycling Services | Northbrook, IL
Responsible Waste Management & Materials Recovery | Northbrook, IL