About Us
The mission of Go Green Northbrook, Inc. is to promote environmental sustainability through education, community programs, and collaboration with local governmental entities. Go Green Northbrook is a member of Go Green Illinois.
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Go Green Northbrook Board Members

Jonathan has been fulfilling his passion to protect the planet by successfully implementing sustainability initiatives within multiple industries for over a decade. This includes Lake County Forest Preserves, US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Now, as VP of ESG & Sustainability Strategy, Jonathan is responsible for establishing and managing his company’s sustainability program, executing efficiency projects, and composing related policies.
Jonathan has dedicated his career to reducing human impact on the planet by assuring cleaner, more sustainable, and healthier communities.

John Albrecht – Secretary
With 4+ decades as a practicing architect, John Albrecht was a founding member of the Chicago Chapter of the USGBC and the City of Chicago’s first LEED AP. He coordinated numerous green building initiatives for the City including Mayor Daley’s Green Building Task Force, the City’s LEED Pilot Program, Chicago’s Green Building Standard, and the City’s Environmental Action Agenda”. John is a LEED AP, has been the Project Team Administrator on over 40 LEED projects, and team member on 100+ LEED projects, a LEED Fellow, and an Energy Star Professional. John has lived in Northbrook since 2010, been a member of Go Green since 2016 and on the Board since 2018, served on the Village’s EQC and now the ACC, with a special interest in green buildings and recycling.

Alexa Senagore – IT Chair
Alexa has been a proud resident of Northbrook since 2020, where she lives with her husband and two children. As a board member of Go Green Northbrook, she is passionate about promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship in the community. She has spearheaded educational presentations on key sustainability topics, including reducing food waste, minimizing single-use plastics, and embracing green cleaning practices.
When she’s not working on environmental initiatives, she enjoys cultivating her native garden and exploring the natural beauty of Northbrook. Her favorite spot to unwind is the Techny Prairie Nature Trails, where she finds inspiration and connection with the environment.

Bernadette Knight – Treasurer
Bernadette has lived in Northbrook for 20 years, after relocating from the UK with her husband William and their four children. A former Director of Corporate Finance & Planning for an international NGO, she now works part-time and enjoys gardening, volunteering, travel, and family time with her grandchildren. Passionate about sustainability, native plants and gardening for wildlife, Bernadette embraces renewable energy, eco-friendly practices in every-day life, and a vegetarian diet. Bernadette completed the U of I Master Gardener program in 2022, Climate Reality Leadership Corps training in 2024, and serves on Northbrook’s Sustainability Commission.

John Novinson – Board Member
John Novinson is a lifelong resident of the Chicago, area, has a BA and MA in political science from UIC and joined Northbrook in 1975 succeeding Bob Weidaw as Village Manager in 1990.
During his tenure, Northbrook earned a triple “A” bond rating while addressing capital needs including long delayed stormwater projects; construction of a second raw water line; and, a third fire station.
John is a Life Member of the International City/County Managers’ Association where he served as co-chair of their Environmental Mandates Task Force and member of the Governmental Affairs and Policy Committee and ICMA’s Sustainable Communities Committee. John chaired the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus’s Clean Air Counts campaign that had a major impact on regional air pollution.
After serving on the Northbrook Historical Society Board, Go Green Northbrook’s Board was a natural next step in his community service.

Mardi Scott – Education Chair
Mardi Scott is the Education Chair for Go Green Northbrook. Mardi’s interest in environmentalism is driven by her love for the outdoors and appreciation for our wellbeing in relation to a healthy environment. In her free time, Mardi loves to bike, kayak, take her 2 dogs adventuring, and enjoys skiing. A mother of 3 and a retired special education teacher from Glenbrook North, Mardi is passionate about environmental education. Mardi cohosts the Environmental book club at the Northbrook Library and visits Northbrook schools to teach about the environment. Mardi will be contributing environmental wellness tips and book suggestions on the Go Green site and looks forward to sharing ways in which we can make a difference for future generations to come.
Past presidents: Founder Doug Gerleman, Sarah Sanford, Shital Pandit